HEMP, Cannabis sativa L. 1, upper part of female plant; 2, upper part of male plant; 3, root; 4, flower from female plant; 5, seed. Annual, reproducing by seed, with much-branched taproot. Stems 2 to 10 feet (0.6 to 3 m) tall, coarse, somewhat grooved, rough, and hairy. Plants usually bushy unless crowded. Hairs on the upper parts exude a sticky resin with a characteristic odor. Leaves palmately divided, consisting of 5 to 9 hairy leaflets with notched edges. Flowers of two kinds; male and female flowers borne on separate plants. Pollen-producing flowers have no petals and are borne in clusters from the axils of upper leaves. Male plants turn yellow and die after shedding pollen. Seed producing flowers are without petals and are located in the axils of the leaves. Female plants are vigorous and dark green until frost. Seed oval, mottled brown, about 1/8 inch (3 mm) long. Plants are prolific seed and pollen producers. Found along ditches, fences, roadsides, and on wastelands with moist, fertile soil. Cultivated varieties are grown as fiber crop. Also commonly known as marijuana.